Video Lucu yang Paling Banyak Dilihat !!! - Part 2

 Lanjutan dari Video Lucu yang Paling Banyak Dilihat !!! - Part 1. Berikut adalah beberapa video lucu, keren, mengharukan atau malah kasihan dengan jumlah tayang terbanyak dari sekian banyak video di Youtube. Coba aja lihat videonya, dijamin gak bakal nyesel deh...

Monkey Business: Monkeys as waiters in japan
"A tavern in Japan has employed the services of two macaque monkeys as waiters. A little weird."
Walaupun video ini jumlah ditonton tidak sebanyak video lainnya, tapi video ini sangat menarik. Penasaran bagaimana seekor monyet bekerja di restoran...???

Video ini telah ditonton sebanyak 496,590 dan 1,268 suka, 40 tidak suka

Christian the Lion- Reunion!
"This footage is from the documentary Christian The Lion, showing the progress of Christian's rehabilitation from London into to the wild by George Adamson; and of the pride that Mr.Adamson had formed around him.
And by all means, the story is not over, as long as there are people around to tell it!"
Video ini mengisahkan tentang persahabatan antara manusia dan hewan, Christian si singa langsung memeluk kedua sahabat manusianya itu saat mereka bertemu setelah lama berpisah. Sungguh mengharukan.

Video ini telah ditonton sebanyak 5,778,881 dan 5,674 suka, 129 tidak suka

dan berikut ini versi full videonya...

"In 1969 a young Australian, John Rendall and his friend Ace Bourke, bought a small lion cub from Harrods pet department, which was then legal. 'Christian' was kept in the basement of a furniture shop on the Kings Road in Chelsea, the heart of the swinging sixties. Loved by all, the affectionate cub ate in a local restaurant, played in a nearby graveyard, but was growing fast...

A chance encounter with Bill Travers and Virginia McKenna led to a new life for Christian. He came to live in a huge enclosure and to sleep in a caravan at their Surrey home. Then in 1971 he was flown to Kenya, his ancestral home, and returned to the wild by lion-man George Adamson. Nine months later in 1972, John and Ace returned to Kora in Kenya. This clip is of their reunion at that time.

It was an emotional reunion: "He ran towards us, threw himself onto us, knocked us over and hugged us, with his paws on our shoulders.

Rick Astley – Never Gonna Give You Up
"Music video by Rick Astley performing Never Gonna Give You Up."
Video klip dari Rick Astley yang berjudul Never Gonna Give You Up. Yang menarik disini adalah suara dari Rick Astley, kalo kata seorang komentator "Such a deep voice from such a small guy".

Video ini telah ditonton sebanyak 42,745,074 dan 94,516 suka, 7,560 tidak suka

Amateur – Lasse Gjertsen
"I've taken my hyperactive editing style a step further! Hope you'll enjoy it!"
Tidak hanya pemain musik profesional saja yang boleh memainkan alat musik tetapi seorang amatir yang sama sekali tidak bisa memainkan musik juga boleh memainkan alat musik bahkan hasilnya pun beda tipis dengan pemain musik profesional. Penasaran...???

Video ini telah ditonton sebanyak 13,434,936 dan 106,149 suka, 2,203 tidak suka

Stealth Cat
"Lolz I just saw this on kids react lol"
ni kucing lucu banget....
Jhahaha... coba deh lihat videonya....

Video ini telah ditonton sebanyak 28,156,517 dan 121,256 suka, 1,227 tidak suka

*.:。✿ Don't forget to come back again ✿.。.:*

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4 komentar:

Jangan nyepam (spam), jangan promosi (apapun itu), jangan SARA, jangan OOT...

Mohon kerja samanya, berikan komentar yang berbobot dan bermanfaat bagi semua... ^^

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